A Community Created
by Women For women

Who we are?
Careers for Women
Discover job opportunities designed to enhance your skills and ambitions.
Regular news and updates
Stay informed about the latest news on the job market and opportunities for your career.
Continuous professional growth
Personalized training to develop your skills and keep you competitive in the world of work.
Success stories
The inspiring stories of women who have achieved their goals thanks to the app.

– Social Impact Innovator, entrepreneur focused on the cause of gender, is the founder of the Mulheres Positivas platform.
– Graduated in Social Communication, mba in Digital MKT and graduated from Oxford in the Women Leadership Program.
– Considered in 2022 by Forbes, one of the 20 most influential women in Brazil.
– Developed the Mulheres Positivas Platform, which is distributed in Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, USA, Dubai, France and Italy.
– 5 books published with the theme “Women economic growth”.
“My goal, with the Mulheres Positivas project, is to improve the life of women globally and that’s the reason I work hard every day.”
Fabi Saad
Graduates in STEM
Source: Euronews
Female representation in the Federal National Council
Source: Department of Economic Welfare
Female Literacy
Source: Wikipedia
Female public workforce
Source: UAE
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For a Positive World
Through concrete examples from Brazil, the United Arab Emirates, the United States, and Italy, the author provides a comparative perspective on the challenges and achievements of women leaders in politics, economics, science, and civil society. An inspiring and practical read that celebrates the role of women as a global force for positive change.

Our Mission
Creating a Brigh Future for Arab Women At Positive Women, we believe that female empowerment is essential for building a more equal and prosperous society. Our goal is to provide tools an resources that help women develop professionals. We want to see Arab women leading innovations, busineses, companies, and communities, whic is why we have created a space where thy can learn, grow and connect.